President’s Message

UFCW’s goal in negotiations:
A contract you want and deserve

by President Mark Ramos

One of the rewards of being in a union is the ability to sit across the table from your employer and negotiate what your pay, working conditions, medical insurance and retirement will look like.

Bargaining conditions are different every time we begin these talks. In years past, we have had to negotiate during a struggling economy or with a company that has been mismanaged. This led to some difficult conversations for union negotiators and our members.

This round of talks — with Albertsons, Ralphs, Stater Bros. and Vons — is different. We are in an economy that has produced record job growth. Wages are increasing, company profits have risen sharply and shareholders are seeing high returns.

It seems the only ones who haven’t shared (so far) in this wave of prosperity are the workers, but Local 1428, along with the other UFCW local unions in Southern California, is determined to

secure a contract that suitably respects your hard work, sacrifice and professionalism.

When we signed the previous contract in 2019, no one could have predicted the dangers you would have had to endure during a worldwide pandemic. You and your coworkers have been put into roles you never would have never imagined when you first agreed to work in a grocery store. You have risked your own safety and the safety of your families to ensure the people in our communities had what they needed to survive.

The ordeals started with runs on water, cleaning wipes and paper products, leading to 60-hour work weeks for some employees. Our members were then thrust into the role of  “mask police,” with many being verbally or physically threatened simply for carrying out directives from their employer or a local government agency.

Now the time has come for the employers to show their appreciation for your efforts, and we don’t mean with a pizza party, snacks in the break room or a gift card.

Being a union member means you’re part of an organization of workers that acts in a collective manner for the betterment of your life. That’s what these negotiations are about.

To achieve the objectives we share, your union will need your complete support — not just in the stores, but in social media, in churches and civic groups, and everywhere else people gather and share ideas.

The companies need to know that everyone at UFCW Local 1428 is “all in.”

Together, we can attain the contract you want and deserve at the bargaining table. Together, we are fighting for fair wages for essential workers.